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learning some of the fun techniques

hi. havent been on here for a while. thought i would jot down some news.

we have recently finished our first round of the 6 week advanced course.

it was great. our ladies really enjoyed doing some different techniques.

favourites were the polymer clay class and the wire work classes.

this is a polymer clay necklace. the orange and yellow beads were made by hand (just like playing with plasticine), and baked in the oven. they didnt really look like much until they were made into this colourful design by adding some green glass and a little silver highlight. soooo much fun. the other advanced classes produce equally amazing results.

wire wrapping

the wire work was very intriguing too. there was was wire coiling using little coiling gizmos and wire wrapping.

coiled wire

other new techniques we learned were fine needle and thread work, crocheted wire, doubled handed tigertail. and macrame.

so if you like to do some different and ineresting techniques come and join us for an advanced beading course.

of course we have school holidays in a week or two so new classes will be starting after that.

call now to book. 42855957.

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the Bead Shoppe 

141 Wentworth St PORT KEMBLA 2505   

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Wednesday:    10am - 4pm

Thursday:        10am - 4pm

Friday:             10am - 4pm

Saturday:         10am -  1pm

We do wedding set ups occasionally

on Fri & Sat so call first

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